Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tutoring 101?!?

OK, When I am not traveling and speaking I am usually marketing. I live across the street from a community college where I get free wireless internet (hey, it saves $20 a month!) Well, the other day I am at the college doing my work when one of my good friends and poppers comes over to me. We chat for a bit and then he says he needs to take off to the tutoring center.

I asked what he needed help with and he showed me his rough draft for English 101. I looked at the top and the professor had given him 10-out-of-10 points. Furthermore, the tutoring department had looked over it and signed off on it. Now, here is the drama!

I scanned over the paper and I puked!! Not really, but I felt like it. THIS PAPER WAS HORRIBLE!! It was full of misspelled words, typos and grammatical errors. Now, I am not a perfect writer, but I know mistakes when I see them. We spent close to 2 hours revising his paper. I was shocked! I wanted to confront his instructor as well as the tutoring department. Yes, he could have gotten away with the suggestions his tutors and teacher gave him, but his paper still would have sucked!

I know there is a lesson in this somewhere...hold on...thinking. OK, I got it: Other people may tell you that something is "good" or "passing," but if you can go for "excellent" or "WOW! That is dope!" then go for it. Many people operate out of their own experience, they only know what they have been taught. Seek out people who are wiser and more experienced than yourself, then seek out their advice!

Tutors-watch your backs!